Monday, March 15, 2010

In Heaven There Will Be Rollerdisco!

I guess I am having all the warm flashbacks that come with the change
in the seasons.

Spring invokes in me the thoughts of bright colors and happiness
that comes with warmer days. I'm not a big fan of coats and
sweaters. I only wear those items when the threat of hypothermia
becomes the promise of freezing to death and I am the first to pack
away the coat as soon as the nights start staying in the 40 degree range.

If you were to ask a normal person what they'd like to do,in a colorful
way, to celebrate spring they might respond with "oh, I was thinking of
planting some flowers," or "I thougth I might wear something pastel."

My friends, however, know they aren't asking a normal person when
inviting me out. Sometimes the expression barely changes, anymore, when
I offer something like: "let's dig out some of our most embarrassing get-ups
and go rollerskating!" They just simply respond: "I was thinking more
like a movie or shopping."

I don't think rollerskating is that strange a request. Maybe it's just that
some don't remember they joy of indoor rollerskating, in colorful clothes,
to disco. Maybe some where so unfortunate to never have had the opprotunity.
Maybe I hang with such a young crowd that they aren't even aware of who
"Chic" is.

It doesn't matter so much because I am sure that Rollerdisco is on a come
back. The music is headed in the right direction, I mean more and more
rock acts have begun incorporating DJ's. Most pop ballads have dance
remixes shortly following their release. The lines between pop, rock, dance,
hip-hop and electro become more and more blurred the further we get from 1999
and well, look at us:

We are a very mobile society these days. Why not put wheels back on our feet
and heck, dance while we're at it?

It seems the weather is doing everything it can to keep us indoors. The winters
seem more extreme. The rainy days more extremely stormy and even the sunny
days are extremely sunny and hot. So going outside is more just a quick jaunt
to the car, and then a quick drive to wherever.

I do live in a smaller town now. So the choices of things to do are a little more
limited. Weekday shopping, a movie, walks in a park and on the weekends there's
the bars. A little variety in the norm would be welcome and to do it on 8 wheels
would sweeten the appeal. Add a soundtrack? Yeah, nice.

So before you judge me and call me dated, give it a thought, then call me up. It'll
be a blast!

Trustme, I'm a DJ....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Disclaimer :) sprinkled with vanity

OK, so I am not currently a "paid, spinning DJ," there I said it.

At one time I was. A very popular DJ in fact and I personally feel that
once a DJ, always a DJ.

Everyone in my circle will tell you, I am constantly trying to turn people on to new
bands, songs, sounds... some things you wouldn't even call music, but, I do. I used to
sit for hours with a little cassette tape recorder and tape "sound-bites" from TV, adult
conversation and kids playing. Anything that was happening audibly was fair game for me.
I would then incorporate it into music, pop songs or just re-tape it rhythmically and add
music to it. All by hand, all by ear and turn it into something people would dance to.

I have DJ'd in clubs in WV, PA and Florida and they were literaly some of the best
times of my life. Some crazy, some scary but always fun. Those stories will come

For now I just want to explain, if you aren't aware, being a DJ is more that just
playing other people's music. It's getting you to listen to something that you may
not have heard before or taking something you may have heard a thousand times and
breathing a new life into it. Playing the right songs in the right order to keep you
having a good time.

I think I can take my words and point you in the direction of music you
will like.

Trust me, I'm a DJ...